About Ogie

Ogie M. Cox (Ezeoke), MD


This website is intended as a collection of essays, articles and books written by Ogie M. Cox (Ezeoke), MD.

It will also include helpful resources for future and current physicians, in an effort to pay forward the incredible mentorship Ogie has been blessed with.

Ogie is a pediatric cardiology fellow at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, with interests in Cardio-Oncology, and in addressing disparities in patient outcomes. She is a researcher and an author, with medical essays published through the AAMC’s Aspiring Docs Blog, Wolters Kluwer’s After Rounds Blog and in The Oncologist. 

Ogie’s essays focus on highlighting learning points from patient and hospital encounters, while providing advice for pre-medical undergraduates, medical students, and fellow residents. 

Her essays have been shared nationally and internationally within academia.